Friday, April 27, 2007

Why Mommy is a Democrat

Excerpts from the book, but edited to suit the mood. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cheryl Crow is a COO!

Everyone in Scotland knows what a Coo is. Most yanks and even Englishmen don't, so I'll tell you now, so you don't get utterly confused. A coo is nothing more than a cow. Now, in Scotland, if you refer to a lassie as being a coo, that means she's either stupid or is a loose cannon.

IN the case of Cheryl Crow, a lassie who couldn'a sing even if the song had luggage handles, recently made a ridiculous statement backing global warming that we should save toilet paper and only use one square per shite at a time.

So this might mean that Cheryl Crow either has brown fingernail polish or she's just a wee bit daft. Who, in God's green earth, uses one bloody wee bit of toilet paper when they're wiping their arse? Even I, Stewart Mactavish of Parkhead, can't get away with that. I have to use about six squares per wipe, and that takes about six lots of those until my arse feels nice and clean.

Cheryl Crow is one of these daft left wingers from the states. The world isn't getting hotter, I think it's the heat from the brains of these daft swines like Cheryl Crow that are making things more warmer than they should be.

CAIR and the MCB

"Your views of the world are a bit strong for me Stewart Mactavish," said Candy, as she rolled over on the bed. Candy is a wee tart, an English lassie (a prostitute) that I periodically visit after I get paid on Fridays and after I grab a pint at the local pub, The Bonnie Prince Charlie, over on Sauciehall Street in downtown Glasgow.

Candy is a bit of a gem in the brain. She is a blogger as well. She'll get after me because I forgot the link to her site. She got me started into this business called blogging. Since Candy knows I like to talk a lot (I gab just a wee bit, really I do), I'll tell you this: the world is a messed up place. Sometimes I wonder if the life we live is actually hell, and we've all been committed to purgatory without realizing it. Here in Scotland, a lot of people might not realize it outside of our borders, but we have our fair share of immigrants and a lot of them come in from Southeast Asia.

Most of these bollock bastards have an attitude. They want people to feel sorry for them and their cause. Now, over in America, there is a swiney bunch called the Council on American-Islamic Relations, while over here we have the Muslim Council of Britain. I wonder if the two are related in any way, because their goals are all seemingly the same, to protect the interests of Muslims living in both countries.

Unlike the MCB, CAIR over across the pond has a counter group and they are called Anti-CAIR. Why doesn't the MCB have any anti-groups over here? Is it because Americans like the man who might run Anti-CAIR have something called a first amendment, where they can blather on and on without government interruption, or is it because people in our tiny island are just worried they might upset MCB and the bloody pakis that run it?

Who knows. That's just a passing thought. I nearly shit meeself there because I farted really bad. That's a tribute to the radical Islamists who want to take over the world. Ah well. I don't want to bore anyone, so I'll go now and read some of the other fascinating blogs out there and will try and make some blogging friends out there. I might be like a combination of Borat and some American comedians, but I won't be nearly as boring as the serious right or left wing politicians I've found so far.

The blogging world is too bloody serious. I've even found some blogging radio channels. Maybe, just maybe, I'll have a wee go at that now and then.

So on with the fine rainy day, and keep up yer spirits, cause if ye don't, Stew here will make sure of it.